Of course the first thing you have to do when playing in the snow with kids is to spend a half hour getting those kids ready for the cold!
The snow really turned the yard in to a winter wonderland. It is so pretty!!
The first thing the kids did when they got outside was flop down to make snow angels. They reminded me of puppies, wiggling around on their backs in the snow!
More fun pics:
Snowball makers from LL Bean are so much fun. You can whip out snowballs as fast as you can throw them!
In this video I am trying to record how fast and easy the snowball maker works, but Marky is too intent on nailing his Daddy with snowballs to give it a rest for 8 seconds:
And of course we built a snowman (lady). Complete with a carrot nose, blackberry eyes and a strawberry mouth, we figured the neighborhood bunnies would have a little snack after she melts.