Beautiful girl:
Hard working (playing) boy:
I don't like fruit pies, but my family does. So, I have a secret recipe for pie that takes me about 45 second to prepare. Why would I spend all that time making a pie the right way if I don't like it? Don't worry, I am assured of my husband and rugrats that it is delicious. Oh yeah, vanilla ice cream is required.
(or some people call it a galette)
Take your pie crust (homemade is good, but store bought is faster), lay it out flat on a baking sheet that has been coated with cooking spray. Heap your filling into the middle and fold up the edges. Brush edges with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in a 450 oven for 12 to 14 minutes.
1 comment:
You know me, always thinking ahead :)
I will definitely try the pie crust--I hate trying to get crust into the pan, it always falls apart on me.
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