Monday, March 30, 2009

Wednesday in St. Louis...Zoo Edition

We started out our Wednesday in St. Louis with breakfast at Denny's
(heavy on the whipped cream!)

Then, we were off to the zoo!

The Insectarium is full of buggy fun!
(bug quilt picture for you, Aunt Jenny):
Right outside of the Insectarium is the way-cool butterfly house:
Then the penguins, OH the PENGUINS!! Everyone's favorite animals this time around.
They were sooo cute!
(even if they were a bit stinky)
*cute (short) penguin video:

The polar bear was out playing...
...and the Carousel is always fun: Mark chose to ride the snake(hard to see in the picture) and Maya rode on the otter. Here are a few pictures of the animals. They are beautiful!
It was definitely spring!A few random pics:

We ended our day with the sea lions. They were eating their lunch. Here's another cute (short) video, this time of a sea lion catching fish:
Whew, I'm exhausted! Next time...the Science Center!

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