Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Fun Fourth

Smoke bombs, sparklers, strobes and smoke bombs. And did I mention smoke bombs? Just another typical fun-and-fire filled fourth of July. I hope you had a great one, too!


Anonymous said...

Ahh, nothing like that sweet smell of brimstone! I'm glad you all had a good Fourth!

Mama Self said...

Aww, Lee beat me here, I see. Oh, well.

Love the pics of the kids with the smoke all around. Looks like all had a grand time.

And your nephew is such a cutie! Bless you for not getting a pic of his mom - I'm sure she was exhausted, and I always hated pics of me right after childbirth, as it's hard to feel "pretty" then.

Hope you and the fam are all doing well. Have a wonderful week.