These are my parents, known to the world as Bob & Jan, known to me as Mom & Dad, known to my kids as Grammy and Pop.

They took us out to lunch at Cheddars on Monday.
This is my nephew Matt with Markie.

"Psst, Matt, can I borrow your glasses?"


"Psst, any sunglasses?"

Too cool.
Here's the dessert...

"Hey, Grammy, want some Cookie Monster?"

We love our Grammy and Pop!
1 comment:
That's fun. Sheila's parents and aunt came out to visit last week. We had them for the first weekend and then they headed out to Wyoming and Montana for some sight-seeing. We got to see them off last Saturday for a meal up in Denver. Grandparents can be so special. We have a great relationship with them and they are very generous. We miss you guys and hope that we can see you all again soon. God bless you. Lee
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