Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We Love Grammy and Pop!

These are my parents, known to the world as Bob & Jan, known to me as Mom & Dad, known to my kids as Grammy and Pop. They took us out to lunch at Cheddars on Monday.
This is my nephew Matt with Markie. "Psst, Matt, can I borrow your glasses?" Awww... "Psst, any sunglasses?" Too cool.
Here's the dessert..."Hey, Grammy, want some Cookie Monster?"We love our Grammy and Pop!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's fun. Sheila's parents and aunt came out to visit last week. We had them for the first weekend and then they headed out to Wyoming and Montana for some sight-seeing. We got to see them off last Saturday for a meal up in Denver. Grandparents can be so special. We have a great relationship with them and they are very generous. We miss you guys and hope that we can see you all again soon. God bless you. Lee