Gus and Max got in a fight last night. Gus was the bully and Max got bitten twice hard enough to draw blood. I had to drive to Wal-Mart at 9:00 on a Sunday night to get a second living area for the mean little hamster so poor little Max would be safe. The little hamster house I bought last night is quite a bit smaller than the one Gus is used to, and he is none too happy about it.

At first he thought he might be able to chew his way out of his new prison.

He was wrong.

A sad little hamster face is actually kinda cute isn't it?

Doesn't it just tug at your heart strings?
It does look so cute, but I would be so updet with the fighting. Shoot...I can barely stand it when my kids argue, and they don't even draw blood!
That should be "upset"...sorry didn't proofread.
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