Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pictures from the Branson Scenic Railway

A big thank you to our Grammy and Pop for taking us on the Train ride!It was great to see my Uncle Norman again!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Easy as Pie!

Our trip to the Apple Orchard last week was very fun! We picked out a variety of apples, including "Liberty" apples, which were supposed to be excellent for baking.
To test the Liberty apples out, I set Maya to making a pie. It was delicious!!
If anyone is interested in visiting the orchard, it is Sunshine Valley Farm in Rogersville.
Call (417)753-2698 for more info.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Bedroom Fit for Two Princesses

The room before:

Dark green walls...and "popcorn" ceiling texture (Mark's personal pet peeve):

First, Mark pulled off the old border and scrapped the loose paper.

He had a lot of great help!

Next, the old popcorn came down!

Then he primed the walls twice:

Then he skimmed the walls with drywall mud twice:

Again, he had good help!

New ceiling texture!

Then it was time to sand the walls:

He is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to this step!

O.K., ready to paint!

Now for the border:

Mark hung some shelves for Maya's "special things".

Maya and I made some names to hang above their beds:

Viola! A beautiful room fit for two princesses!!