Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Bedroom Fit for Two Princesses

The room before:

Dark green walls...and "popcorn" ceiling texture (Mark's personal pet peeve):

First, Mark pulled off the old border and scrapped the loose paper.

He had a lot of great help!

Next, the old popcorn came down!

Then he primed the walls twice:

Then he skimmed the walls with drywall mud twice:

Again, he had good help!

New ceiling texture!

Then it was time to sand the walls:

He is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to this step!

O.K., ready to paint!

Now for the border:

Mark hung some shelves for Maya's "special things".

Maya and I made some names to hang above their beds:

Viola! A beautiful room fit for two princesses!!

1 comment:

Mama Self said...

Wow!! It turned out so beautiful. I am so impressed with all that went into it; the girls will LOVE their room. :)